When determining eligibility for self-logging privileges, ReliabilityFirst considers the following:
- Processes the Entity has in place to identify, assess, and correct noncompliances
- Compliance history
- History of self-assessment and self-reporting
- History of timely and thorough mitigation
- Level of cooperation in prior compliance matters
- Quality of internal compliance program
To assist in this eligibility evaluation, please provide information, such as programs, processes, and procedures in place to:
- Identify noncompliances and risks to reliability in general
- Assess the risk to the Bulk-Electric System posed by the identified issues
- Implement and track corrective actions
An example of such information is an entity’s corrective action program.
ReliabilityFirst will evaluate this information, along with the information ReliabilityFirst already has in making its self-logging eligibility determination. ReliabilityFirst may ask for additional information over the course of its evaluation.
Please fill out this document and submit it, along with any attachments, to ReliabilityFirst’s Director of Enforcement, Kristen Senk, at kristen.senk@rfirst.org.