
ReliabilityFirst conducts certifications to ensure that entities applying to perform the Balancing Authority (BA), Transmission Operator (TOP) and/or Reliability Coordinator (RC) reliability functions can perform those functions. The certification process is governed by Section 500, including Appendix 5A (Section IV) of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Rules of Procedure (ROP).

Certification reviews, governed by Section 500, including Appendix 5A (Section V), are performed for already certified BAs, TOPs and RCs who make changes that include:

  • Changes to registered entity’s footprint (including de-certification changes to existing Joint Registration Organization (JRO)/Coordinated Functional Registration (CFR) assignments or sub-set list of requirements)
  • Relocation of a Control Center
  • Modification of the Energy Management System (EMS) that is expected to materially affect CIP security perimeters or the System Operator’s: 1) situational awareness tools, 2) functionality, or 3) machine interfaces

Also note that entities in the ReliabilityFirst footprint that are not certified as a BA, TOP, or RC but that are contractually obligated to perform these functions are also subject to a review commonly referred to as a Readiness Evaluation.

For more details, entities are encouraged to read through Section 500, including Appendix 5A (Sections IV and V) of the ROP.

To request a certification, certification review, or readiness evaluation, please complete the “RF Certification Notification and Preliminary Questionnaire” form in the Resources section below.

If you wish to send in a Certification Notification and Preliminary Questionnaire, or if you have any questions, please send your request to entityengagement@rfirst.org.



– Certification Annual Reminder to RF Entities

– 2021-04-19 Certification Reviews

– RF Certification Notification and Preliminary Questionnaire